Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Rejoice, O Israel, Rejoice!

I received the following two words on the mornings of October 23 and October 25, and was instructed to post them together.

October 23, 2017

My little ones,

You needn't be ashamed, for it is I your Deliverer who arises to defend My people. It is I the Almighty who moves swiftly on your behalf. It is I your Healer who cauterizes and heals your wounds. It is I the great Shepherd who leads you into the pastures where rest and refreshing now come. 

My little ones, this is the day that Yahuah has made. Rejoice, rejoice and be glad in it - in what I now do for My people. You will sing and rejoice like never before; you will not be able to contain your joy. It is I who arises as the Father to My children to put a stop to the enemy's devices as I protect My children from all harm. No more allowances for the enemy to do damage to My own who've been through more than they could stand. 

I see, My children, how you are weary and tire for all that you've endured, but now I am come to tend to My own. Think not that this time shall turn out like any other, for the moments, the twinkling-of-an-eyes, the happenings are here. All is set to change swiftly; your date with destiny is here. 

Come, My thankful people, come. Raise the song of harvest home. This is just the beginning... Only watch what takes place now and behold the goodness of your Elohim. Now this is the day, My evidence on display. You will not be disappointed, My children; no longer disappointed.

October 25, 2017 

This is the day that I have made. Let Israel now say, this is the day that Yahuah hath made. Rise up and see the glory of Yahuah this day. This day, like none before nor after - none can compare, for My glory shall be revealed among the people, and I will be exalted in all the earth.

Let the redeemed of Yahuah say so, for I am come to restore and to heal and to vindicate My own. I am come to make a way where there appears to be none, and all shall know that I am the Almighty, the Everlasting. I now breathe life into that which appears dead, and springtime shall bloom as promised.

Now, little ones, shall you experiences waves of My glory; encounters like never before. Come and be immersed in My goodness, in My presence, and there you shall be satisfied forevermore. I give back and I repay, that My name might be glorified. Rejoice, O Israel, for you shall experience the goodness of your Elohim.

Scriptures given: Psalm 118:24, Psalm 34:5, Psalm 18:1-3, Isaiah 40:5, Isaiah 35:1-2, Isaiah 61:1-3

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