Thursday, August 10, 2017

A Decree of the King

August 10, 2017

Little one,

This is My decree and now shall it be made manifest in the earth. The decree of the King: It is I who am come to separate and distinguish the good from the bad, the just from unjust, the lawless from the lawful, those whose hearts are pure before Me and those who are greedy of gain.

What say you, O wicked one, when you are brought before the Judge and found wanting? Will you make excuse for your blasphemies and harlotries? What of the murder and blood on your hands? What about the unacceptability of your sacrifice? What of your place as an oppressor – an afflicter of My people, for if it helped them not, it was surely to their harm.

Does not My word say that as a man has sown, so shall he also reap? And now those very means by which My people were oppressed shall come upon their inflictors. Stood you idly by and watched the disgrace of another? Carried you not another’s burden, making it your own?

What of sacrifice and extending yourself for the good of another, even if their life depended on it and your life was on the line? Will you yet offer Me excuse or will you repent? It’s up to you, but I know the heart of every man and what they will choose. And so it begins.

Prepare your hearts and be not surprised for what many upon many will reap for what has been sown, even for generations. My little one, it’s not a light thing, and many will be surprised for they thought themselves exempt from My law, as though somehow I do not see. Now the weeping and the wailing and the gnashing of teeth, for judgment is come. O now, My people, what will you do?

Your time of deliverance is come as swift judgment befalls the land. Come, My weary, and find rest. To they who gave all, I give again and again. To the hungry, I give food. To the thirsty, that which will quench their thirst. To those in lack, never again; this is a promise for they who walk uprightly. Now the springs in a dry and barren land give way to rivers teeming with life.

A good day for My goodly children; a sorrowful day for those who walked not in My ways. Return to Me that I may receive you. This is My will, that none perish, but that all come to repentance.

Scriptures given: Isaiah 24 (whole chapter), Jeremiah 24 (whole chapter), Matthew 25:32, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Galatians 6:2&7, Luke 10:25-37, Luke 16:15, Matthew 24:51, Isaiah 44:3, Psalm 107:9, Zechariah 1:3, 2 Peter 3:9, Matthew 11:28

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