Sunday, August 6, 2017

Will You Be Free?

August 5, 2017

As I went to pray this morning, I heard the words second chance.

Second chance according to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary means:
An opportunity to try something again after failing

The Lord brought two dreams to my attention that I had on August 3 and August 4, consecutively.

Dream from August 3

I was observing a young lady I grew up with and her husband as they walked toward their car. She had an almost ridiculous smile on her face, as if it was pasted on. It was quite troubling. When they reached the vehicle, the husband raped her in the car, in broad daylight, with many bystanders watching. Her husband seemed to enjoy the attention.

Their car looked like it came straight out of a 1950’s magazine, and the front seat stretched all the way across the front. After he was finished, they sat in the front seat, with the young lady in the middle right next to her husband. She was slouched down with humiliation, but the ridiculous smile never changed. He had his arm around her in a controlling way and looked as if there was nothing wrong with what took place.

After this, I watched them walk into their home. They lived on the second floor of a rather large house, and his parents lived below. I knew that his parents took care of everything for them so they had no worries. I also knew this young lady wasn’t happy, but she was comfortable enough that she wouldn’t leave her situation.

Dream from August 4

I was with a man to whom I was previously joined, although I knew I shouldn’t be with him. I was too afraid to say anything, so I pretended to be happy, kissed him, and tried to push aside the feelings of guilt that plagued me. This went on for quite some time.

Later on, we were in a large room with many people, and a table of food was in the center. I was filling my plate with food when I became aware that my father watching me. In that moment, I knew that there was a choice: confront this man and go with my father, or give into the fear and be cut off from my father. The latter was a frightening thought. I thought briefly about telling him after we went home, but I knew it would be too late. It was now or never.

After prayer, the Lord spoke:

My little one,

Many are the afflictions of My people. Many are they who live in despair and defeat – disheveled conditions because they sought not the way of the Lord. Many of them, time and again, I have called to come out, but the comfort and ease of their sin and compromise is far more appealing to them than the freedom I offer.

Many are bound in cloaks and daggers, stranded in chains, not desiring to face the music I have played before them. These know the places they are in but too afraid to take a stance, too afraid to make a move, hoping that I will make the first move, but I already have. Now it’s their turn.

Fear is a mocker, but I have the freedom. Will you now step into it? Many who are bound already know the consequences their fear brings, yet they live in denial. Did not My word say that not one stone would be left upon another? It is I who must bring down the fortified walls and overturn every stone, that nothing remain hidden, thus freeing My people enslaved in bondage. But they have to be willing to come out.

This is no time for games or solutions other than the one I offer. Come out from among them and be separate, saith the Lord. Touch not that which is ungodly, unholy. Let go of the ways of the heathen. Step into that which I have called you – a life of holiness and righteousness. Put away the sin that has bound you and come be free in Me.

Rest in My joy and trust in Me. There is nothing you can do for yourself, but full reliance in Me. Come, My little ones, as I call you and know that the way is already made; just step out. No more in bondage, enslaved in Egypt; no longer the compromise keep you away from Me. But come, be set free in Me, free in Me.

The promise of eternal life I hold out. Will you receive it? Whom the Son set free is free indeed, and the just shall live by faith. Will  you choose this day? The choice is now and not another time. Will you so choose Me? I desire to give you victory, but you must relinquish your way and come solely into the arms of your Father. My little ones, will you choose?

August 6, 2017

When I awoke, I heard, Fools, because of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, are afflicted. Psalm 107:17

Words spoken by the Lord:

Now shall the glory of the Lord be revealed on earth as it is in heaven. Take up the trumpet and sound the alarm to the inhabitants of the land. Tell My people I am indeed come for them. Are they ready for Me? This is a now word that goes forth from My mouth.

Speak to My people, thus saith the Lord, the overthrows and overturns are here. Are you ready to leave the bondage by which you’ve been enslaved and return to Me? It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God, so mend your ways, O ye sinners, for the kingdom of God is at hand. I have performed My inspections and do not like what I see, save in a faithful few.

Will you also cleanse your hands and purify your hearts that you might stand before Me? Or will you continue on with the works of your hands and be cut off. I offer you a second chance; will you receive it? Or will you be as Cain who was murderous of his brother for the envy in his heart – who would not offer up that which is acceptable.

The choices are still the same – now what will you do? Zion shall be redeemed by judgment.

Scriptures: Psalm 107 (whole chapter) Joshua 24:15, Exodus 3:7, John 8:36, Matthew 24:2, 1 Peter 5:7, Romans 6:19, Isaiah 61:1, Luke 8:17, 2 Corinthians 6:17

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