Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Spoils of Egypt

August 18, 2017

My daughter,

Now let it be know that My glory shall be seen, My name exalted among the heathen and lifted up in all the earth. For as My favor shines brightly upon My own, so shall many writhe in agony for that which is come upon them. They seek to enslave My own, oppressing them in their daily lives, but no more I say.

The spoils of Egypt shall be given unto My own. As I make My presence known, so shall the people of the earth tremble in fear. Yet, what will they do? Let it be known this day that as many as repent, I shall receive; none will be turned away in sincerity and truth. But woe to they who will not acknowledge My way and give up their sinful ways to walk in Mine.

Daughter, let it be known that I bring down the proud and lofty and will use their goods and riches to give into the hands of My people. Wherefore, peoples of the earth, hearken unto Me and repent lest you be left in utter desolation.

Take this word and heed lest you be destroyed and your soul perish. Who is he that will stand against Me? But I know them every one. Heed My warnings. This is a now word for such a time as this.

This is the day that I have made. Now rise up, O righteous ones, for victory is ours this day. No longer shall you be as fodder left as spoil for the prey. No longer shall you tolerate those who despitefully use you, for it is done, I say.

Woe to they who even think to reach out to My own in this time, with evil intentions in their hearts, for the shall indeed experience an immediate reaping. Think not that any can hide, for I see all, says the Lord.

Scriptures given: Ezekiel 29 & 30 (whole chapters)

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