Saturday, September 30, 2017

The Door Is Open That No Man Can Shut

September 30, 2017

 As I went into prayer this morning, I saw a large desk with a stack of big, old books that were closed. Next to them was a set of old keys.

As today is Yom Kippur, I understood that the books represented those that are closed when the judgment is set, but I asked the Father what the keys were for.

He led me Revelation 3:7-8:

7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith He that is holy, He that is true, He that hath the key of David, He that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;
8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept My word, and hast not denied My name. 

He also instructed me to read 2 Timothy 4:6-8:

6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.
7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

Then He spoke these words:

Little ones,

Know that the time you've waited for is come. Men's hearts shall fail with fear for that which now comes upon this earth. But you, My precious, shall be gathered together unto Me where I shall keep you till the moment of My indignation is overpassed.

There is now the reward of the just that I shall deliver unto My own, for their faithfulness to Me has not gone unnoticed. You've come a long way, My loves, in order that you might enter in and be received. Know that you shall not be turned away, but now the door I open before you.

Come, My thankful people, come. Raise the song of harvest home. You shall rejoice in the fruit of your labors. Enter into the joy of your Lord. You have been faithful and found worthy of the commendations due those who gave their lives. Now, My faithful servants, rise up and claim all that is given thee this day. You fought a good fight, finished the course, and kept the faith.

Come, My weary ones, I shall refresh you with the dew of heaven that your faces will glow, no longer ashamed. Come, ye thankful people, come. Now see the great things your Father has done. Are you ready, My loves? Your time of departure is at hand.

Other scriptures given: Matthew 25:14-23, Psalm 23:4-6, Psalm 27:4-6

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Now The Instructions; Now We Move Forth

September 24, 2017

This morning as I went to pray, I heard, “Arise and shine! Firm in truth, stand your ground.”

Then the Father spoke:

It’s time to come up and out of those places and shine your light for all to see. Come, little ones, stand firm in what I have given you. Know this, the days are come when you shall see all I’ve declared unto you, says your Father. The time of testing and trial for every man is here, save for My faithful, who’ve been ever before Me.

Now come into My chambers, little ones, where you shall receive your due and just reward. It’s a time of action, when you shall see the manifestation of My words which goeth forth and accomplish all I sent them to do. Now, little ones, look up look up, for your redemption is nigh.

No longer shall you await to see My goodness, for it is already here. Faithful you have been, now your faithfulness I reward, You shall receive the crown for your labors. Now we enter in, and know that the time of extraction is come, is here.

Prepared you will be as you receive your instructions to go forth in the land and accomplish all I set for you to do. Geared in My armor, strengthened by My Spirit, fully equipped to do the will of God, you shall move forth in victory.

So come, My darlings, as we prepare for what lies ahead. The old is no more; now we journey beyond into a land of promise. Come, little ones, what glories await thee. Are you ready to receive the victor’s crown?

Scriptures given: Isaiah 60:1-3, Ephesians 6:10-18, Joshua 1:7-9, Isaiah 55:10-11

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

For Those With Eyes To See

September 20, 2017

Little one,

I have called unto My people time and again, but My calls have gone unheeded, unanswered for so long by so many. They speak of justice; they speak of truth, but do they even know what that is? I sent My Word among them to teach them, but so few paid attention. Now I must do as I must lest so many perish without Me. 

See, to know the truth is not enough; it must be practiced and lived. My people are perishing, yet I gave them all that was needed, if only they paid attention. The price for some will be extremely high, as they’ve lived in disobedience, not heeding My words of truth. And now the day has come. 

Listen, for you will hear it; watch, you shall see it. No longer shall they be able to deny that I am He who searches the hearts and minds. This nation is headed for a train wreck; collision is already here. Ladies and gentlemen of the court, I can no longer be held back from the judgment of this land. Putrid and abhorrent it is in My eyes. 

This is the Day of Yahuah. Make no mistake; it has truly come. Now shall you see the upheavals in full motion, loss and sorrow on every side. Yet you, My faithful witnesses, shall be a testimony for My name’s sake as you bear My light and glory. Many will come who knew not the hour of visitation.

Come, daughter, we now make ready to depart. Shout My name aloud for all to hear. This is the time of reckoning.

Yahuah, Mighty in Strength

Zephaniah 1:14-18

Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Sabbath Rest

September 16, 2017

As I readied for prayer this morning, the Father asked, "Do you know what day this is?" 

Then he continued,

"Shabbat, the first of many to come that brings My children rest and peace, refreshing for your souls. It's been a long, hard journey - arduous - My faithful few, but you've held on to the end. Now shall you arise and be called blessed. 

The hand of Yahuah is stretched out toward you in favor and the deliverance of blessings long promised. Today is not another day, My children; it's My day to welcome you home. A distinction, a separation between them that are Mine and they that are not. 

Be ready to be called away, My little ones, in a moment, the twinkling of an eye. It's here. Perfect liberty for My own who've chosen to walk in the freedom of My word, the Torah, given for all who would walk according to it, in covenant with Me. 

Now I make good on every promise I provide."

Scriptures: Hebrews 4:9, James 1:25, Matthew 24:13 & 25:32, Proverbs 31:28, Psalm 27:13, 1 Corinthians 15:52, Matthew 11:29

Friday, September 15, 2017

Arise, Children of Light

September 15, 2017

I received these words on September 13, but was not released to share them until today.

My daughter,

Make no mistake; this is the time you've waited for. My children who've been shining examples of what I would for all My children shall be caught away with Me. My children who've repented shall reap what they have sown and eat the good of the land.

There has been a cry arising from the land amongst My own - they who witness such atrocities yet remain in fervent prayer for the plight of the land. What shall be said for the unrepentant? The day of calamity is here and they wist it not.

My dear, think not that this day shall pass without the evidence of My glory being seen and all the earth filled. Now is the time when My witnesses shall go forth and reap the harvest in the fields, for they are ripe. The satisfaction My own have lacked shall be fulfilled.

My little ones, come close as I whisper secrets now in your ears, and you shall be amazed by the great things I have done. A little leaven spoileth the lump, does it not? And now My own who've rid themselves of such leaven shall walk in the honor bestowed them. My faithful, arise and put on glory; put it on and shine it out for all to see.

Many shall say this day, Where is their God...? He came, but woe is me. Many will come to the light you carry as the darkness rages about them, and you, My little ones, shall go forth as My witnesses, My faithful servants to a lost and dying world. Many wist not that I would come this way, but turn none away that receive Me.

There is a greater works that shall be done in My name, and many shall be saved and healed. Woe unto them which hear not the gospel you carry. Woe unto they who hear it but shun the words of truth. Woe unto they who will foolishly mock and scoff at My name, for great shall be their eternal condemnation - their due and just reward.

I offer repentance - forgiveness for all who will call unto Me and repent. But what will so many do? Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision, but My own shall now arise. No more the chains and barrenness; no more the dry and dusty places; no more shall My own have to live in solitary confinement, for release I now give.

Come now, My thankful people, come. Your new is fully in sight, just in view - come and see. Your fruitfulness shall abound above and beyond all you could ask or think. Come and eat the good of the land. My faithful walk in truth; now shall they walk in victory.

My offer is still open for any who will receive it... Come.

Scriptures given: Malachi 4 (whole chapter)

Monday, September 11, 2017

Hidden Away Safely In the Cleft of the Rock

September 11, 2017

The Father spoke these words as I went to pray:

It's not going to be pretty for many, many people. The storm of all storms is here, but many know it not. Now it's time to vacate safely away with Me lest the damage done hurt My precious few. Destruction shall amass and abound, but My precious few have nothing to worry about.

They have been warned time and again but have not heeded the calls. They sit around leisurely thinking that all is well, that somehow I will wait on them and there is no hurry or danger. But they truly do not see what is come.

My little ones, be not amazed nor surprised by the sudden turn of events that explodes. From nowhere, many will take a turn for the worse, one right after the other. It's time to batten down the hatches and make ready. Many will witness tragedy after tragedy, but what of My own who listened?

Caught away with Me you will be, in a moment, a twinkling of an eye. My little ones, are you ready? Much meets you this day. Prepare to do all I say. Much changes swiftly, so listen carefully.

Scriptures given: Psalm 91

Saturday, September 9, 2017

How Long, O Lord, How Long

September 9, 2017

Little one, 

Write what I say. There is violence throughout the land that I have seen. I hear the cries of My people as they call out to Me daily, How long, O Lord, how long. They shed tears for the blood of the innocent and look on as they see their brethren trampled.

There is a mighty army that has infiltrated everywhere My people look. Disgusting it is and abhorrent in My sight, yet they will not quit. Now it’s time; I arise from My place and move as the swift Defender to My people. Long have they waited freedom from the oppressor; long have they waited the shackles to be removed.

Release and relief I now bring as I do away with what is not of Me. Stand firm, My children, and see the salvation of the Lord this day. Freedom is sweet, and you shall taste the goodness of your Elohim this day.

Now My wayward ones shall be brought to correction. O what a price to pay for disobedience, but alas, it shall bring about the repentance of many. Now the changes come; things shall never be the same. No longer will the enemy be able to hide, for I expose his secrets and lies.

Now come, My children, My faithful few, as I hide you away till My indignation is overpassed. There will be traumatic upheavals, such as the world has not known, but you shall be safe in Me.

Prepare to hear the shout emit from heaven. From one place to the next, the journey begins; it shan’t be but a moment. Hurry, little ones, joy is ours this day.

Your Father, Yahuah Elohim

Scriptures given: Habakkuk 1, Revelation 6:10, Psalm 10, Exodus 14:13, Isaiah 26:20, 1 Thessalonians 4:16, Luke 8:17  

Monday, September 4, 2017

For My Faithful

September 4, 2017

My daughter,

Write these words I say unto you this day. Now shall you see the goodness of Yahuah your Elohim in evidence. On display shall be My love for you, My pleasure in you, My faithful.

There is a time to rejoice for all who have wept and mourned for the time of sorrows that has come upon the land, and that time is here. Stay in readiness, for indeed you shall hear the ram’s horn sound out across the land and you shall know it is time and what to do.

Stay in readiness, My loves, for we leave momentarily. The sounds of war also bellow forth across the land, but My own shall be secreted away safe in Me. Fear not what comes, for great is your reward in heaven for the deeds you’ve done.

Come, My lilies, who laid down all and picked up your crosses for Me; to you I say, Well done. There’s no more to be said; the time is at hand. We will surely be on our way; come.

Scriptures given: Romans 2:6-8, Zechariah 2:10-13, Malachi 3:16-18

Sunday, September 3, 2017

To My Little Ones

September 3, 2017

To My little ones I now give the Kingdom, that your joy may be full. You have fought many battles and overcome much; now shall you receive a crown.

I welcome you into the place where you shall be established, and never shall your feet walk these old paths again. For firmly established in your places of new, you shall never be in want again. You shall joy and rejoice in the God of heaven, for His mercy endureth forever.

His faithfulness is sure and His truth is forevermore. Come, ye thankful people, come; raise the song of harvest home. More abundantly than you can imagine shall it be delivered unto you till you will say, It is more than enough.

The truth is, the meek shall inherit the earth and all good things in it, but who are the meek? They are those who carry the truth in their hearts, firmly planted on the Rock, who look to Me as their All-in-all, and lean not unto the arm of the flesh.

Trust in Yahuah with all your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths is their creed. These humble I now exalt as surely as I abase the proud.

The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God. But woe to they who lived as such yet professed to know Me. Woe to they who kept not the charge of the poor, the fatherless, and needy. Woe to they who for a penny would rather sell their souls and their neighbors just to gain a profit.

For what profiteth it a man if he gain the world and lose his soul, is it not written? But many shall witness the tragic outcomes of such an agreement.
Better it would be for the fools to become wise and the depraved to be righteous than to see them lost from Me for eternity because of their pride and folly.

My little ones, know that the hour upon us is truly at hand, when all spoken shall be fulfilled as promised. It is time to enter in, My little lambs. Won’t you take My hand? I love you, My children, and nought shall harm you.

Watch, for I am come and you shall see Me in all My glory. It truly is time.

Your Savior and Redeemer, Yahuah

Scriptures given: Isaiah 25, Luke 12:32, John 15:11, 2 Timothy 4:8-9, Joshua 1:2-3, Psalm 136:26, Psalm 100:4-5, Ephesians 3:20, Psalm 126:5-6, Jeremiah 17:5, Proverbs 3:5-6, Matthew 5:5, Luke 14:11, Psalm 14:1, Mark 8:36, James 1:27, Proverbs 8:6, Isaiah 40:5

Saturday, September 2, 2017

For My Children

September 2, 2017

Little one,

The time is at hand; the Day of Yahuah. There isn’t much to say, for many came not when I called, nor did they inquire about what that meant. Many think in terms of money instead of considering all they are involved in their every day lives.

A token of My love for My people was My Son, Yahushua, but where is their token of love for Me? They say it with their lips, all the while cozying up to another. How shall I look upon this any longer?

Know that the time is at hand when I shall extract you from these places, and you shall be with Me in paradise, for you loved not your life until the death. But many, so many will be heartbroken over what takes place next, for they were not adequately prepared for the Bridegroom who comes to meet them.

Now shall the divide be great between they who left all to follow Me and they who took Me in name only. Tragic it will be, yet the end would be far worse if I not move now.

Watch closely, My children, for you shall see the goodness of your Elohim in the land of the living. The time is here; get suited up, now we ride. This old shall be left in the dust along with those that dwell in it, and you, My precious ones, shall feel freedom at last.

Yahuah Elohim, Your Father

Scriptures: Isaiah 63:4, John 3:16, Isaiah 29:13, Luke 23:43, Revelation 12:11, Matthew 25:1-13, Psalm 27:13