Wednesday, December 2, 2015

2 Words, A Dream, and A Vision

June 29, 2015

After prayer yesterday morning, the Lord spoke but did not release His words to be shared, and I knew that there was more that He would give. I had a dream last night that symbolized what is taking place in the world. During prayer this morning, the Lord gave another word and instructed me to share what He spoke yesterday and today as they go together. In obedience, I post the dream and vision as well.

June 28,2015


"You have knelt before Me in repentance for yourself and your fellow man. You have pleaded the case of many today as you have been on your knees communing with Me in Spirit. But I cannot hold back what has been released. The winds of change have blown and ripped through the land, and they cannot be taken back. It happens now; a day I have dreaded and looked on in great sorrow and heaviness of heart, but it must come now.

The wickedness of man is too great. It has reached far into the depths of hell, and now pay day has come. My sons and daughters who claim to know Me have also joined in the clamoring to discover the pits of Satan and to take pleasure in what he has offered them. And while I still stand here, with arms open, waiting for all who would repent, they will not unless I come and judge those things which they have openly before Me taken part in. I take no pleasure in it, but it is the last choice for so many, lest their souls perish in the way which they now tread. 

Come here, little one, come and let Me wipe your tears and soothe your heartache. It is Mine too, you know. You are sharing what I experience on a much greater level.   (Vision: At this point, I saw myself sitting on My Father's knee and He had wrapped His arms around me to comfort me. His chin rested on my head, and I knew He was crying. I asked Him if He was indeed crying.)    How can I not? Did I create those that I love just so I could destroy them? I am not willing that any should perish, but they have chosen. So many have decided their fate already. My Bride calls out daily to be rescued and I cannot leave their cries unanswered any longer. I Am coming, My beloved ones! I Am coming to carry you away with Me. Little one, I Am coming for you now, to gather you in My arms and hold you close to Me as I carry you away in My bosom."

June 29,2015

Dream: I went to a window in my house and looked outside. My house was on a tall hill, and I could see the trees and houses down below. As I stood there, I noticed was that the wind was blowing so hard that it obscured vision to some degree. The wind was whipping violently, and I realized that the earth was spiraling out of control; out of orbit. I knew that everything looked the same momentarily, but that it would not remain so for long. I also knew that those people whose houses were not on the hill were unaware of the earth's plight.

My daughter,

"The time I have spoken of is here. Long has it been in coming, now it is upon your land. The Great Shakening begun. There is much that ensues over the earth that will be made manifest in this time. All that has been hidden being revealed. The panic and confusion will set in when those in darkness realize what has taken place. The people have grown hard-hearted and cold. The things they see and hear no longer effect them as their consciences have been seared and desensitized.

Yes, the whole world is spiraling out of control. Pushed off of the pedestal that once held it in place, it now plummets toward sure destruction. Many do not realize or understand the happenings. For many, it is already too late as they have chosen their fate. Haven't I told you that nothing remains the same? Now the changes set in rapidly and quickly. "Prepare"! I call out to any who will listen. The sounds of war echo throughout the land. The time of desolation come. 

What more is there, My children, unless you come in full repentance to Me; bowing your knee to Me and My ways? It comes; it is here; it has arrived on your shores. Prepare, children, for all that has been built on the sand shall surely be destroyed, and you will have nothing left. But run to the Rock while you have but a smidgen of time, and I will reach down and pull you atop it. Make haste and run to Me so that you are not utterly destroyed by the calamities released. Run, My children, run!"


Matthew 24:37-39, Luke 17:26-30, Ezekiel 13:13, Isaiah 24:19-20, Matthew 24:10-12, Deuteronomy 32:35, Hebrews 10:30-31 & 38, Ecclesiastes 12:14, Acts 17:30-31, Psalm 34:21, Proverbs 9:18, 1 Peter 4:17-18, Isaiah 33:10-16, Isaiah 3:8-9, Isaiah 1 (whole chapter), Romans 3:23, 2 Peter 3:9, Matthew 10:28, Hosea 4:6, Revelation 21:8, Ezekiel 18:20-24, Luke 8:17, Matthew 7:13-14, Song of Solomon 2:10-14, Psalm 18:2, Joel 1:2, Hebrews 10:25-27, 1 Timothy 4:2, Proverbs 16:18, 2 Timothy 3:1-5, Luke 21:25-26, Matthew 24:29, Exodus 20:1-2, Isaiah 13:9, Matthew 24:15-22, Luke 6:46-49, Ezekiel 2:3-4, Luke 13:13, Isaiah 29:13, Revelation 3:19

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